
I’ve decided to start my very own wordpress page! I’m just barely getting started. There’s a lot of exploring to do here. The idea is to centralize all the stuffs i have scattered over the web. But it’s not  only for stuff  i’ve posted on the web. I do a bunch of other stuff too.   It’s minimal right now.  But there will be more, as I work at it.  Feel free to comment on anything.  I’d love to hear from any of you.

I know you’re probably wondering what the deal with that picture is.

It was the on;y picture i could find of me at the time 🙂

2 Responses to “About”

  1. Nice start Jeff, good set up, colors all go well together. Will look for more content as the days turn to weeks to months.


    • Thanks Mark. There’s a lot of different themes, which are all customizable, here on wordpress. It took me a little time to find one to settle into. Glad that you took had a chance to come and look around. I think there’s a way to subscribe somewhere around here… if you want to get email updates when i post new content.


Say something, Anything. i love you, ...a little, maybe...